Half Portrait Face:

 This project was  really intresting and really cool to make. We took a picture about our selfs and then cut it in the half. We need to draw the second half of our selfs. We use a tecnique that was turning upsidedown the picture to draw what we see, not what we though it was. That way the drawing was really realistic.
  I really like this project because I can draw really good and I could make a really intresting project that I would never forget. It was amazing to now how to make a realistic drawing. 

Sketch: Andrew Vanwangarden

This sketch is about one of my favorite singers. I use the tecnique used for the facial portrait face. I draw him because he is a inspiratin for me because he is really creative and includes many feelings to his songs. Also, Andrew Vanwyngarden loves art and he uses many of it in his musical videos.
I try to create sketches as good as possible with the new tecniques learned in class. I try to make them as good as possible. 

One point perspective

This is one point perspective drawing about my room. I like to make my room because its a place really relaxing for me, there is where I hear my music do my homework, and relax. I love my room because its my only place that its mine.

To create it I use many tecniques like a vanishing point where every thing conected to it and a horizon line. It was really cool to draw my room because I could show in which place I live.